93036 dentist
If you want to make sure that your teeth stay healthy and intact, you will need to have healthy gums. At Oxnard Dental, our
93036 dentist will make sure that your gums stay healthy by providing gum therapy when needed.
When you come to our dental practice you will be seen by our 93036 dentists, just one of whom is Dr. Shawn Rabizadeh. Gum therapy is needed when the gums are not as healthy as they should be. There are different types of gum treatments that are provided at different stages of gum problems. If our dentist sees that your gums are slightly inflamed and you have gingivitis, a common precursor to gum disease, he may recommend that you have several regular dental cleanings over the coming months in order to get your gums to return to good health. We also offer nonsurgical periodontal therapy. When tartar remains on teeth, it will encourage the development of deep pockets to form. Plaque, tartar, food debris and bacteria will all gather in these deep pockets and you will have gum disease. At this point, in mild to moderate cases of gum disease, our 93036 dentist may recommend that you have a periodontal scaling and root planing treatment. During this treatment, tartar and plaque will be removed from teeth as well as from slightly below the gum line. The root surfaces will be planed so that the supported tissues of the teeth can better reattached to the tooth surface. You may receive local anesthesia so that you can remain perfectly comfortable during this procedure. If gum infection is found, our dentist may provide you with topical antibiotic treatment during this procedure. This can be applied in the form of antibiotic powder. Our dentist may also prescribe an antibacterial mouth rinse to help keep any bacteria in your mouth at a minimum, as well as oral antibiotic medication.
For an appointment to see our
93036 dentist regarding getting gum therapy, or many other types of dental care, simply contact us today.
By Oxnard Dental Group
April 14, 2017
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